
Thursday, 9 April 2015

Resonance defectoscopes (Descrydefect)

Based on the determination of the characteristic resonance frequencies of elastic vibrations (frequency 10.1 MHz) when excited in the product. This method of measuring the wall thickness of metallic and non-metallic products some. If possible, on the one hand the measurement accuracy of the measurements of about 1%. In addition, this method can be used to identify areas of corrosion damage.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Impedance defectoscopes (Descrydefect)

Impedance defectoscopes (Descrydefect) feature high sensitivity of the method used in their work. In this case, the energy consumption for excitation of the initial fluctuations are very small. All this makes it possible to create highly sensitive impedance defectoscopes (Descrydefect) characterized by small dimensions with high energy savings.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

The method of acoustic control products

Elastic vibrations and acoustic waves, particularly ultrasonic range, is widely used in the art. Powerful ultrasonic waves of low frequency is used for local destruction of fragile durable materials (ultrasonic swotting); dispersion (fine grinding bodies of liquid or solid in a medium such as fats in water); coagulation (aggregation particulate matter, such as smoke) and other purposes. Another application of acoustic oscillations and waves - monitoring and measurement. These include audible and ultrasonic location, medical ultrasound diagnostics, control of liquid level, flow, pressure, temperature in vessels and pipelines, as well as the use of acoustic oscillations and waves for nondestructive testing. Defectoscope (Descrydefect) waves used to determine the quality of products.

Chemical analysis of steel

In metallurgy great emphasis on the quality of steel. To determine the qualitative characteristics of the various procedures to help, one of which is the chemical analysis of steel held defectoscopes (Descrydefect). The aim of this study is to identify the harmful impurities, chemical heterogeneity of composition, the presence of non-metallic inclusions. Identification of the steel is necessary not only to determine its quality, but also in order to properly perform the further processing of steel and determine its destination for a variety of products.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Defectoscope (Descrydefect) EPOCH LT

Despite its small size, EPOCH LT has many operational qualities, which is usually present in large defectoscopes (Descrydefect).
The main advantages defectoscope (Descrydefect):
  • fast screen refresh rate - at least 60Hz;
  • automatic calibration of sensors;
  • numerical data recorder and many other functions.
In addition EPOCH LT has frozen display mode, which captures the display data and waveform measurements.
EPOCH LT also has many drawbacks. Therefore it is better to buy defectoscopes (Descrydefect) of our company.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Which shows the monitor of defectoscopes (Descrydefect)

The display device determines many of its functionality and consumer characteristics. As a rule, the screen displays of defectoscopes (Descrydefect) echo attenuation, measurements of coordinates and signal levels, as well as the basic parameters set at nastroyke. Using the menu bar icon on the bottom of the screen, you can switch modes, choose the method of representation of the signal (undetected, detected with or without filling, spatial envelope), set the level compensated cutoff control gates and TCG.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Welding defects that can detect ultrasonic defectoscope (Descrydefect)

Defect of welded joints - one discontinuity or discontinuities group focused, not provided design documentation and independent on the impact of the object on the other discontinuities.
Ultrasonic methods provide information about defects located at a considerable depth in various materials, components and welds. Defectoscopes (Descrydefect) can find:
  • cracks
  • pores, gas cavity
  • solids
  • breaking the mold seam
  • other defects